Preferences Window
Guest Privileges Page
The Guest Privileges page contains preferences for limiting access by Guests.
Guests are users without an assigned user name. They can connect only when you
give permission, and can be restricted to accessing a particular folder.
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/server_docs/images/PrefsGuestPrivsWindow.gif/PrefsGuestPrivsWindow.gif)
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.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/server_docs/images/AllowGuestConnCheck.gif/AllowGuestConnCheck.gif)
Check this box to allow Guests access only to the selected folder and below.
.dmg/Updaters/SpeedShare-1.0.4/SpeedShare User Guides/server_docs/images/AllowGuestFolderAccess.gif/AllowGuestFolderAccess.gif)
Check this box to allow Guests access only to the selected folder and below.
Set folder... button
Click this button to choose the folder to which Guests will have access.
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